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The Benefits of Integrating Resistance Training and HIIT for Individuals with Sarcopenia

Scott Cheatham, PhD, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS

June 1, 2024



How can integrating resistance training and HIIT benefit individuals with sarcopenia?


Resistance training emerges as a cornerstone approach in addressing sarcopenia risk factors, offering a viable means of preserving muscle mass and optimizing physiological function. Additionally, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) shows significant benefits such as increased muscle mass, muscle quality, physical performance, muscle strength, muscle power, and improvements in mitochondrial function. By incorporating these exercise modalities, individuals can potentially mitigate or slow the progression of sarcopenia while enhancing overall muscle health and functional capabilities.

scott cheatham

Scott Cheatham, PhD, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS

Dr. Scott Cheatham is a Professor in the Division of Kinesiology at California State University Dominguez Hills in Carson, California. He is owner of Sports Medicine Alliance (SMA). Dr. Cheatham received his Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical Therapy. Dr. Cheatham is a Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist (OCS) and a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). He also holds several fitness certifications and is a certified ergonomic specialist. 

Dr. Cheatham is a national presenter for various organizations and has authored over 120 peer-reviewed publications, textbook chapters, and several home study courses on the topics of orthopedics, health & fitness, and sports medicine.

Dr. Cheatham is an education and research consultant for various health and fitness organizations. His research interests include myofascial interventions and the efficacy of interventions for various musculoskeletal pathologies. His current clinical practice includes sports medicine services, general orthopedics, and sports-performance training. 

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