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Beyond Subjective Pain Rating

Michelle A. Fritsch, Pharm.D., CGP, BCACP

August 25, 2015



Besides asking the patient their pain rating what else would be appropriate to ask when asking about their pain?  


Pain can be a deterrent to PT.  Helpful questions you can ask a patient about their pain, besides their current pain rating, are:

·       What is your tolerable pain level?

·       What are you experiencing?

·       Does pain limit your daily activity?

·       What medications have you taken today?

michelle a fritsch

Michelle A. Fritsch, Pharm.D., CGP, BCACP

Michelle Fritsch, Pharm.D., CGP, BCACP is a clinical pharmacist with a passion for geriatric health and education.  She is currently founder of Meds MASH, LLC, a company dedicated to reducing risks posed by medications and falls in mature adults.  She was from 2008-2014 founding Professor and Chair, Department of Clinical and Administrative Sciences at the Notre Dame of Maryland University School of Pharmacy in Baltimore, Maryland.  Dr. Fritsch received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees from Purdue University.  She then completed a primary care residency at the William S. Middleton Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Madison, Wisconsin.  Prior to her arrival at the Notre Dame of Maryland University, Dr. Fritsch founded and directed the Alamance Medication Assistance Program (AlaMAP) of Alamance Regional Medical Center (ARMC) in Burlington, North Carolina from 1997 to 2008.  The AlaMAP clinic provides medication therapy management and medication access to a geriatric population in Alamance County, North Carolina.



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