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Can I earn all the CEUs for my state license renewal online at

Calista Kelly, PT, DPT, ACEEAA, Cert. MDT, Joshua C. Malcolm, PTA

March 17, 2020



Can I earn all the CEUs for my state license renewal online at


This is a question we often hear from our members. The answer to the question depends on the state rules and regulations for the license(s)you hold. 


Some states allow you to obtain all of your required continuing education (CE) online or through self-study courses; others limit the number of hours you can earn through these options. Self-study courses are those that you complete on your own time, at your own pace. They may be delivered over the Internet or through other mediums. On, our Text, Audio, and Recorded Webinar course formats are examples of online self-study coursework. 


If your state limits online courses, or requires a certain number of hours to be earned through “live” or “in-person” courses, it is important to determine whether Live Webinars are included in that restriction. Live Webinars take place at a specific date and time and allow interaction between the presenter and the participants. If your state limits online coursework for licensure renewal, contact your state board to determine if Live Webinars are included in that restriction. Similarly, if your state requires that a certain number of hours be earned from live or in-person coursework, contact your state to verify whether Live Webinars may be used to meet that requirement. The answers will depend on how a state board interprets its rules.


Keep in mind that some states also have required topic areas such as infection control, ethics, jurisprudence, and others that are needed for licensure renewal. These courses are generally included in the course library.

Where can I find out my state license CE requirements?

Refer to the rules and regulations listed on the website of your licensing board. For your convenience, we have links to state licensing boards on the Resources page on our website.

If you have questions about the specific requirements, contact your state licensing board. is always here to help!  Our team can assist you in identifying your state licensure CE requirements and direct you to courses on our website to help meet your needs. Contact us at or 866-782-6258. 

calista kelly

Calista Kelly, PT, DPT, ACEEAA, Cert. MDT

Managing Editor,

Calista holds a master’s degree in physical therapy from St. Ambrose University and a doctorate degree (DPT) from the University of Mississippi. She attained a credentialing certificate from the McKenzie Institute in 2011 and the CEEAA credential in 2014 from the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association. In 2019, she completed the requirements for the Advanced Credentialed Exercise Expert for Aging Adults (ACEEAA) through the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy.  Calista has been licensed as a physical therapist since 2001 and has worked as a clinician in a variety of settings including ICU, outpatient orthopedics/sports medicine, neuro, SNF/LTC, LTACH, wound care, home health and pediatrics.

joshua c malcolm

Joshua C. Malcolm, PTA

Joshua C. Malcolm, PTA, is Continuing Education Administrator at

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