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Ask the Experts

Impairments with the Junior Golfer

Maurie Steinley, PT, DSc, SCS

April 23, 2012

Are there typical impairments that you see with the junior golfer?   Read More


Competency in IASTM

Shane McClinton, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSCS

April 23, 2012

How does one become competent in providing effective treatment of IASTM? Is specialized training needed?   Read More

Gender Role in Impairments with Golfers

Maurie Steinley, PT, DSc, SCS

April 9, 2012

Are there gender differences with golfers and the impairments that they present with?   Read More


Challenges of Supervision

Angela Sherman, SLP.D.

January 9, 2012

What are some of the challenges to being a good supervisor?   Read More

Setting Up a Home Office

Denise Dougherty, SLP

December 22, 2011

If you set up an office in your home, who do you have to talk to in order to make sure it does not go against zoning?   Read More


Performing CRP on a Patient with Subjective BPPV

Faith Akin, Ph.D.

December 22, 2011

Can you tell me if there are any contraindications for performing a canalith repositioning procedure (CRP) maneuver on a patient with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) -like symptoms who pre...   Read More

Importance of the OASIS in Adult Assessment

Jennifer Loehr, M.A., CCC-SLP

December 22, 2011

What does the acronym OASIS stand for? What is the importance of this assessment?   Read More

Determining When a Patient is Considered "Homebound"

Megan Malone, M.A., CCC-SLP

December 22, 2011

What qualifies someone for homebound status?   Read More

The Need for an Attorney/CPA in Private Practice

Denise Dougherty, SLP

December 15, 2011

I've been doing private practice part-time for three years and never knew I needed to meet with an attorney or CPA. Is this really necessary?   Read More


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