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Strategies for Progressing Bed-Based Activities in Rehabilitation

Andrea Salzman, MS, PT

October 15, 2024



What are some strategies to progress bed-based activities for rehabilitation purposes?


To progress bed-based activities, therapists can implement several strategies:

  1. Increasing Resistance: This can be done by adding weights or resistance bands to exercises performed in bed.
  2. Enhancing Complexity: Breaking down movements into their component parts and progressively combining them to form complete tasks helps improve motor planning and execution.
  3. Adjusting Assistance Levels: Gradually reducing the amount of physical or verbal assistance provided to the patient encourages independence and self-reliance.
  4. Incorporating Functional Goals: Tailoring exercises to mimic daily activities, such as getting out of bed or reaching for objects, makes the exercises more relevant and motivating for patients.

These strategies ensure that bed-based exercises are challenging and effective, promoting continuous improvement in strength, coordination, and functional independence.

This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course, "Using the Bed as a Progressive Resistive Exercise Environment," presented by Andrea Salzman, MS, PT.

andrea salzman

Andrea Salzman, MS, PT

Andrea Salzman, MS, PT graduated from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a Master’s degree in physical therapy. She has over 30 years of experience with hands-on care and training, specializing in geriatrics, patient motivation, aquatics, and musculoskeletal and balance disorders. She has presented 200 seminars, authored 300 PT articles, served as a PT-related journal editor, and was once featured on the cover of Physical Therapy magazine. Salzman has served as adjunct faculty at the College of St. Catherine’s (now St. Catherine’s University) for 8 years and as the Vice President of 10K Health, LLC, a temporary staffing agency, for a decade. She currently serves as the Director for Aquatic Therapy University and ATU Aquatic Therapy Seminars and has assisted hundreds of facilities during the start-up and training phases of their aquatic practice.


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