State Requirement Info
524 courses found
Wheelchair Seating Interventions
Occupational and physical therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating interventions, including pressure management, seated angles, and strategies to address common positioning challenges will be addressed in this course.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Wheelchair Seating Interventions
Occupational and physical therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating interventions, including pressure management, seated angles, and strategies to address common positioning challenges will be addressed in this course.
Wheelchair Seating Interventions
Presented by Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS
Course: #4501Level: Introductory2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AR/2.0; AZ/2.0; CA/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DC/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GA/2.0; HI/2.0; IA/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID/2.0; IL/2.0; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; KY/2.0 Category 2; MA/2.0; MD/2.0; ME/2.0; MI/2.0; MO/2.0; MS/2.0; MT/2.0; NC/2.0; ND/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NY/2.0; OK/2.0; OR/2.0; PA/2.0; RESNA/0.2; RI/2.0; SC/2.0; SD/2.0; TN/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT/2.0; WA/2.0; WI/2.0; WY/2.0
Occupational and physical therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating interventions, including pressure management, seated angles, and strategies to address common positioning challenges will be addressed in this course.
Differential Diagnosis of the Lower Extremity
Clear the cobwebs of confusion when diagnosing the source of pain in the lower extremity. Learn medical reasons in addition to musculoskeletal causes to resolve the "plateau" in treatment with knowledge of differential diagnosis.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Differential Diagnosis of the Lower Extremity
Clear the cobwebs of confusion when diagnosing the source of pain in the lower extremity. Learn medical reasons in addition to musculoskeletal causes to resolve the "plateau" in treatment with knowledge of differential diagnosis.
Differential Diagnosis of the Lower Extremity
Presented by Rina Pandya, PT. DPT, FHEA, PGLTHE
Course: #4445Level: Intermediate3 Hours
AK/3.0; AL/3.0; AR/3.0; AZ/3.0; BOC/3.0; CA/3.0; CO/3.0; CT/3.0; DC/3.0; DE/3.0; FL/3.0; GA/3.0; HI/3.0; IA/3.0; IACET/0.3; ID/3.0; IL/3.0; IN/3.0; KS/3.0; MA/3.0; MD/3.0; ME/3.0; MI/3.0; MO/3.0; MS/3.0; MT/3.0; NC/3.0; ND/3.0; NE/3.0; NH/3.0; NY/3.0; OK/3.0; OR/3.0; PA/3.0; RI/3.0; SC/3.0; SD/3.0; TN/3.0; TX/3.0; UT/3.0; VA/3.0; VT/3.0; WA/3.0; WI/3.0; WY/3.0
Clear the cobwebs of confusion when diagnosing the source of pain in the lower extremity. Learn medical reasons in addition to musculoskeletal causes to resolve the "plateau" in treatment with knowledge of differential diagnosis.
ACL Rehabilitation and Return to Play Testing: An Update
This course provides a 2022 update on ACL rehabilitation and return to play testing. Load management principles applied to both rehabilitation and sports performance will also be discussed.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
ACL Rehabilitation and Return to Play Testing: An Update
This course provides a 2022 update on ACL rehabilitation and return to play testing. Load management principles applied to both rehabilitation and sports performance will also be discussed.
ACL Rehabilitation and Return to Play Testing: An Update
Presented by Carol Mack, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, PN-1
Course: #4410Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AR/2.0; AZ/2.0; BOC/2.0; CA/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DC/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GA/2.0; HI/2.0; IA/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID/2.0; IL/2.0; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; KY/2.0 Category 2; MA/2.0; MD/2.0; ME/2.0; MI/2.0; MO/2.0; MS/2.0; MT/2.0; NC/2.0; ND/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NJ/2.0; NY/2.0; OK/2.0; OR/2.0; PA/2.0; RI/2.0; SC/2.0; SD/2.0; TN/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT/2.0; WA/2.0; WI/2.0; WY/2.0
This course provides a 2022 update on ACL rehabilitation and return to play testing. Load management principles applied to both rehabilitation and sports performance will also be discussed.
An Amplitude-Focused Interprofessional Approach for Parkinson's Disease, In Partnership with LSVT® Global
Master skills to implement in your practice immediately with continued Master Class. There is growing evidence that supports the benefit of providing care through an interprofessional approach for individuals with complex diagnoses like Parkinson’s disease (PD). This course serves to provide practical guidance in providing PT, OT, and SLP treatment set against the background of LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG to positively impact the quality of life and function of those living with PD.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
An Amplitude-Focused Interprofessional Approach for Parkinson's Disease, In Partnership with LSVT® Global
Master skills to implement in your practice immediately with continued Master Class. There is growing evidence that supports the benefit of providing care through an interprofessional approach for individuals with complex diagnoses like Parkinson’s disease (PD). This course serves to provide practical guidance in providing PT, OT, and SLP treatment set against the background of LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG to positively impact the quality of life and function of those living with PD.
An Amplitude-Focused Interprofessional Approach for Parkinson's Disease, In Partnership with LSVT® Global
Presented by Julia Wood, MOT, OTR/L, Heather J. Cianci, PT, MS, GCS, Heather Hodges, MA, CCC-SLP
Course: #4470Level: Advanced5 Hours
AK/5.0; AL/5.0; AR/5.0; AZ/5.0; CA/5.0; CO/5.0; CT/5.0; DC/5.0; DE/5.0; FL/5.0; GA/5.0; HI/5.0; IA/5.0; IACET/0.5; ID/5.0; IL/5.0; IN/5.0; KS/5.0; MA/5.0; MD/5.0; ME/5.0; MI/5.0; MN/5.0; MO/5.0; MS/5.0; MT/5.0; NC/5.0; ND/5.0; NE/5.0; NH/5.0; NJ/5.0; NY/5.0; OK/5.0; OR/5.0; PA/5.0; RI/5.0; SC/5.0; SD/5.0; TN/5.0; TX/5.0; UT/5.0; VA/5.0; VT/5.0; WA/5.0; WI/5.0; WY/5.0
Master skills to implement in your practice immediately with continued Master Class. There is growing evidence that supports the benefit of providing care through an interprofessional approach for individuals with complex diagnoses like Parkinson’s disease (PD). This course serves to provide practical guidance in providing PT, OT, and SLP treatment set against the background of LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG to positively impact the quality of life and function of those living with PD.
Cueing Modalities for Gait Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
This course will provide an overview of cueing gait rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common cueing rehabilitation techniques that can be used with people with Parkinson’s disease will be discussed and demonstrated.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Cueing Modalities for Gait Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
This course will provide an overview of cueing gait rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common cueing rehabilitation techniques that can be used with people with Parkinson’s disease will be discussed and demonstrated.
Cueing Modalities for Gait Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
Presented by Samuel Stuart, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), MHCPC, MCSP
Course: #4408Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AR/2.0; AZ/2.0; CA/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DC/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GA/2.0; HI/2.0; IA/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID/2.0; IL/2.0; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; KY/2.0 Category 2; LA/2.0; MA/2.0; MD/2.0; ME/2.0; MI/2.0; MO/2.0; MS/2.0; MT/2.0; NC/2.0; ND/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NJ/2.0; NY/2.0; OK/2.0; OR/2.0; PA/2.0; RI/2.0; SC/2.0; SD/2.0; TN/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT/2.0; WA/2.0; WI/2.0; WY/2.0
This course will provide an overview of cueing gait rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common cueing rehabilitation techniques that can be used with people with Parkinson’s disease will be discussed and demonstrated.
Postural Assessment and Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
This course will provide an overview of postural assessment and rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common assessment and rehabilitation techniques that can be used with clinical, particularly neurological, patients will be discussed and demonstrated.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Postural Assessment and Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
This course will provide an overview of postural assessment and rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common assessment and rehabilitation techniques that can be used with clinical, particularly neurological, patients will be discussed and demonstrated.
Postural Assessment and Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
Presented by Samuel Stuart, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), MHCPC, MCSP
Course: #4399Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AR/2.0; AZ/2.0; CA/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DC/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GA/2.0; HI/2.0; IA/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID/2.0; IL/2.0; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; KY/2.0 Category 2; MA/2.0; MD/2.0; ME/2.0; MI/2.0; MO/2.0; MS/2.0; MT/2.0; NC/2.0; ND/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NY/2.0; OK/2.0; OR/2.0; PA/2.0; RI/2.0; SC/2.0; SD/2.0; TN/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT/2.0; WA/2.0; WI/2.0; WY/2.0
This course will provide an overview of postural assessment and rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Common assessment and rehabilitation techniques that can be used with clinical, particularly neurological, patients will be discussed and demonstrated.
The Effects of High-Intensity, Short Duration Training Versus Endurance Cardio Training on Strength Development in Athletes
This course explores the effects of high-intensity, short duration training versus endurance cardio training on strength development in athletes. Discover how to program the frequency, mode, volume, intensity, and duration of cardio training sessions to design effective concurrent training sessions and programs for recreational and competitive athletes.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
The Effects of High-Intensity, Short Duration Training Versus Endurance Cardio Training on Strength Development in Athletes
This course explores the effects of high-intensity, short duration training versus endurance cardio training on strength development in athletes. Discover how to program the frequency, mode, volume, intensity, and duration of cardio training sessions to design effective concurrent training sessions and programs for recreational and competitive athletes.
The Effects of High-Intensity, Short Duration Training Versus Endurance Cardio Training on Strength Development in Athletes
Presented by Amy Ashmore, PhD
Course: #4404Level: Introductory1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AR/1.0; AZ/1.0; BOC/1.0; CA/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DC/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GA/1.0; HI/1.0; IA/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID/1.0; IL/1.0; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; KY/1.0 Category 2; MA/1.0; MD/1.0; ME/1.0; MI/1.0; MO/1.0; MS/1.0; MT/1.0; NC/1.0; ND/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NY/1.0; OK/1.0; OR/1.0; PA/1.0; RI/1.0; SC/1.0; SD/1.0; TN/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT/1.0; WA/1.0; WI/1.0; WY/1.0
This course explores the effects of high-intensity, short duration training versus endurance cardio training on strength development in athletes. Discover how to program the frequency, mode, volume, intensity, and duration of cardio training sessions to design effective concurrent training sessions and programs for recreational and competitive athletes.
Quicksand or Concrete? Capturing Outcomes in Acute Care
Patients seen in acute care practice demonstrate a wide variety of movement abilities, which can make the selection and use of standardized outcome measures a challenge. Learn what recommendations exist to inform decision making while reviewing some of the most practical outcome measures for acute care practice. This course is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and is therefore appropriate for the PT/PTA.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Quicksand or Concrete? Capturing Outcomes in Acute Care
Patients seen in acute care practice demonstrate a wide variety of movement abilities, which can make the selection and use of standardized outcome measures a challenge. Learn what recommendations exist to inform decision making while reviewing some of the most practical outcome measures for acute care practice. This course is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and is therefore appropriate for the PT/PTA.
Quicksand or Concrete? Capturing Outcomes in Acute Care
Presented by Sharon L. Gorman, PT, DPTSc, GCS
Course: #4354Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AR/2.0; AZ/2.0; CA/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DC/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GA/2.0; HI/2.0; IA/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID/2.0; IL/2.0; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; KY/2.0 Category 2; MA/2.0; MD/2.0; ME/2.0; MI/2.0; MO/2.0; MS/2.0; MT/2.0; NC/2.0; ND/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NJ/2.0; NY/2.0; OH/2.0; OR/2.0; PA/2.0; RI/2.0; SC/2.0; SD/2.0; TN/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT/2.0; WA/2.0; WI/2.0; WY/2.0
Patients seen in acute care practice demonstrate a wide variety of movement abilities, which can make the selection and use of standardized outcome measures a challenge. Learn what recommendations exist to inform decision making while reviewing some of the most practical outcome measures for acute care practice. This course is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and is therefore appropriate for the PT/PTA.
The Role of Resilience in Alzheimer’s Dementia
With current research focusing on resilience factors that may impact the presentation and severity of Alzheimer's, occupational therapists have an opportunity to activate an elder's best defense against the effects of dementia. This course focuses on health promotion activities to deploy across any adult/older adult population interested in building cognitive resilience in individual, group, and community health—even oneself!
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
The Role of Resilience in Alzheimer’s Dementia
With current research focusing on resilience factors that may impact the presentation and severity of Alzheimer's, occupational therapists have an opportunity to activate an elder's best defense against the effects of dementia. This course focuses on health promotion activities to deploy across any adult/older adult population interested in building cognitive resilience in individual, group, and community health—even oneself!
The Role of Resilience in Alzheimer’s Dementia
Presented by Teresa Fair-Field, OTD, OTR/L
Course: #4425Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AR/1.0; AZ/1.0; CA/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DC/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GA/1.0; HI/1.0; IA/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID/1.0; IL/1.0; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; KY/1.0 Category 2; MA/1.0; MD/1.0; ME/1.0; MI/1.0; MO/1.0; MS/1.0; MT/1.0; NC/1.0; ND/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NY/1.0; OR/1.0; PA/1.0; RI/1.0; SC/1.0; SD/1.0; TN/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT/1.0; WA/1.0; WI/1.0; WY/1.0
With current research focusing on resilience factors that may impact the presentation and severity of Alzheimer's, occupational therapists have an opportunity to activate an elder's best defense against the effects of dementia. This course focuses on health promotion activities to deploy across any adult/older adult population interested in building cognitive resilience in individual, group, and community health—even oneself!
Seating Assessment For Mobility Bases: An Introduction
Therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating assessment includes evaluation of current posture and equipment, a mat examination, and equipment recommendations. This course will review the assessment process.
textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Seating Assessment For Mobility Bases: An Introduction
Therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating assessment includes evaluation of current posture and equipment, a mat examination, and equipment recommendations. This course will review the assessment process.
Seating Assessment For Mobility Bases: An Introduction
Presented by Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS
Course: #4450Level: Introductory1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AR/1.0; AZ/1.0; CA/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DC/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GA/1.0; HI/1.0; IA/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID/1.0; IL/1.0; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; KY/1.0 Category 2; MA/1.0; MD/1.0; ME/1.0; MI/1.0; MO/1.0; MS/1.0; MT/1.0; NC/1.0; ND/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NY/1.0; OK/1.0; OR/1.0; PA/1.0; RESNA/0.1; RI/1.0; SC/1.0; SD/1.0; TN/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT/1.0; WA/1.0; WI/1.0; WY/1.0
Therapists are often key members of the wheelchair seating evaluation team. Seating assessment includes evaluation of current posture and equipment, a mat examination, and equipment recommendations. This course will review the assessment process.