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CEU Courses for Michigan Search: 'implicit bias'


7 courses found

State Approval Information for Michigan

The courses below are accepted by the Michigan Board of Physical Therapy.  They accept courses approved by another state's APTA chapter, and is an accredited provider by the TX Physical Therapy Association. reports to CE Broker for MI-licensed PTs/PTAs and ATs upon your request when completing courses.  


If you are an athletic trainer licensed in Michigan, please select BOC from the Associations menu. For more information, visit A Guide to Using the Library for PTs/PTAs and ATs.

View Michigan Requirements
Implicit Bias: Research and Tools
Presented by Katrinna Matthews, DSW, MEd, LAPSW, Anna Smith, MS, Leigha Jansen, EdD, CCC-A
Recorded Webinar
Course: #4587Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Implicit Bias training is an important first step in understanding the complexities of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in healthcare. This LARA-compliant training will cover the current research on Implicit Biases and what interventions individuals and organizations can do to address and dismantle Implicit Bias.

Managing Implicit Bias for Healthcare Excellence
Presented by Anna Smith, MS, Katrinna Matthews, DSW, MEd, LAPSW
Recorded Webinar
Course: #4585Level: Intermediate2 Hours
Implicit Bias training is an important first step in understanding the complexities of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in healthcare. This LARA-compliant training covers what Implicit Biases are, how they impact health professionals, and what interventions health practitioners can do to address them.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Care: It's Not Just Black and White - Access to Healthcare
Presented by Susan Holmes-Walker, PhD, RN
Recorded Webinar
Course: #4375Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar is the third in a series of webinars that address diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. This webinar focuses on access and the impact of implicit bias on access to healthcare services, quality of service, and service delivery. In addition, this webinar provides tools for facilitating and implementing effective diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Care: It's Not Just Black and White - Disabilities
Presented by Susan Holmes-Walker, PhD, RN
Recorded WebinarAudio
Course: #4371Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar is the second in a series of webinars that address diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. This webinar focuses on disabilities and the impact of implicit bias on service delivery. This webinar also explores the importance of the representation of people with disabilities as health care professionals and how this representation can impact the quality of patient care. In addition, this webinar provides tools for facilitating and implementing effective diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Care: It's Not Just Black and White - Mental Health Care
Presented by Susan Holmes-Walker, PhD, RN
Recorded WebinarAudio
Course: #4368Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar is the first in a series of webinars that address diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare. This webinar focuses on mental healthcare the impact of implicit bias in service delivery. In addition, this webinar provides tools for facilitating and implementing effective diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Diversity Series for Rehabilitation Professionals
Presented by Esther Clervaud, EdS
Recorded Webinar
Course: #4036Level: Introductory3 Hours
Since America is growing more diverse, cultural awareness has become more vital for day-to-day success. This three-part series provides information on diversity for the rehabilitation professional. In the first segment, discover strategies that will help you develop a mindset to facilitate a culturally-sensitive environment. The second segment explores how our implicit biases affect how we perceive, evaluate, and react to others. The third segment identifies systems of privilege and how they have created a wide division of inequality. This segment will help rehab professionals identify their privilege and determine how to make a difference in their places of employment. This course is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and athletic training is therefore appropriate for the PT, PTA, and AT.

Reducing the Influence of Implicit Biases for Healthcare Professionals
Presented by Esther Clervaud, EdS
Recorded Webinar
Course: #3943Level: Introductory1 Hour
Our implicit biases affect how we perceive, evaluate, and react to others. Discover strategies that will help you reduce their influence to better meet the needs of those you serve in hearing healthcare. This course is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and athletic training and is therefore appropriate for the PT/PTA and AT.

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