Happy National Physical Therapy Month!
Thank you, our fellow PTs and PTAs, for all that you do every day.
At PhysicalTherapy.com, our ultimate goal is to help you improve the quality of care for the patients you serve. We are dedicated to providing you with quality, clinically-relevant courses to keep you current with the latest industry research and trends. Check our website often - make us your daily resource! Together, we are doing our part to live up to APTA’s new vision statement of “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.”
Virtual Conference Recordings:
Last month we held our second and very successful virtual conference on Prosthetics and Physical Therapy organized by Guest Editor Jill Seale, PT, PhD, NCS. These recording are now available for you to view in case you missed the live courses or want to view again.
Lower Extremity Acute Management and Pre-prosthetic Training by Michael Furtado, PT, DPT, NCS
Lower Extremity Prosthetic Components by Jared Howell, MS, CPO, LPO
Lower Extremity Prosthetic Training Part 1-Therapeutic Exercise and Activities for the Person with Amputation by Michael Furtado, PT, DPT, NCS
Lower Extremity Prosthetic Training Part 2-Gait Training and Outcome Measures for the Person with Amputation by Michael Furtado, PT, DPT, NCS
Upper Limb Loss Rehabilitation by Shawn Swanson Johnson, OTR
Live Webinar Spotlight:
Ethics for the Physical Therapy Professional by Mark Hyder, PT, DPT, RAC-CT on October 15, 2014
Exercise Prescription for the Cancer Survivor by Stephen Morris, PT, PhD, FACSM on October 21, 2014
Make the most of physical therapy month by continuing your professional development and dedication to the profession!
Your colleague,
Calista Kelly, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT