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Lymphedema: Are Open Wounds a Contraindication for Compression Bandaging?

Amy H. Pannullo, PT, DPT, WCS, CLT, Kirsten I. Wightman, PT, DPT, CLT

December 11, 2013

Is compression bandaging contraindicated for clients with open wounds or weeping?   Read More


Motor Milestones Achievement and Cranial Positional Deformities in Children

Carolyn B. Armstrong, PT, DPT, PCS

December 4, 2013

As head shape improves, do you also see improvemens with motor milestones?   Read More

Balance Training and the Vestibular Patient

Kathleen Kelley, PT, EdD, NCS

November 27, 2013

How important is balance training with vestibular patients? Is the DGI the best tool to measure change?   Read More

Home Exercises for Patients with Balance and Dizziness Issues


November 20, 2013

What kind of home exercise program would you give a balance and dizziness patient considering safety in the home?   Read More


The Decision to use PRN Oxygen in a Treatment Session

Bini Litwin, PT, DPT, PhD, MBA

November 13, 2013

If you are working with a patient who has oxygen ordered PRN, at what point would you decide if you would put the oxygen on during your treatment session?   Read More

Plan Progression when Treating Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Carolyn B. Armstrong, PT, DPT, PCS

November 6, 2013

Can you walk us through the progression of your plan of care from eval through discharge? What do you look for before moving to the next step?   Read More

Vestibular Diagnosis: Planning your Evaluation

Kathleen Kelley, PT, EdD, NCS

October 30, 2013

Can you walk us through an evalualtion session that you would have with one of your vestibular patients? Please give details of what tests you choose and the treatment that follows?   Read More

Vestibular Testing in Patients Lacking Cervical Range


October 23, 2013

What do you do for a geriatric patient who does not have the cervical range in order to do the maneuvers to test for vestibular issues?   Read More


Assistive Devices for the Patient with Huntington's disease

Stuart Blatt, PT, PhD

October 16, 2013

What are your thoughts on using assistive devices for gait training with a patient diagnosed with Huntington’s disease?   Read More

Using the Karvonen Heart Rate Formula

Bini Litwin, PT, DPT, PhD, MBA

October 9, 2013

Under what circumstrances would you use the Karvonen Heart Rate Formula?   Read More

What is Posterior Ankle Impingement?

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

October 2, 2013

Can you explain posterior ankle impingement?   Read More


Compression Bandages for Lymphedema Patients

Amy H. Pannullo, PT, DPT, WCS, CLT, Kirsten I. Wightman, PT, DPT, CLT

September 24, 2013

Could a compression bandage used with a patient with lymphedema increase the patient's blood pressure? Do you take special care to monitor this if they have a diagnosis of hypertension?   Read More

Wheelchair Needs for the Client with Huntington's Disease

Stuart Blatt, PT, PhD

September 17, 2013

At what point would you suggest fitting a client with Huntington’s Disease for a wheelchair?   Read More

The Craniomandibular Complex: Changes through the Lifespan

Dennis Langton, PT, CCTT

September 10, 2013

Are there any bony changes to the craniomandibular complex that you can expect as a patient ages? Are there any differences in children?   Read More


Return-to-Play Progressions for Non-Pitching Athletes

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

September 3, 2013

What type of return to play progression would you recommend for non-pitching athletes like tennis players?   Read More


Joint Auscultation of the Craniomandibular Complex

Dennis Langton, PT, CCTT

August 27, 2013

How do you know when you are correctly auscultating a joint?   Read More

Rehabbing the Non-Pitching Overhead Athlete

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

August 20, 2013

Can a Thrower’s Ten program be applied to volleyball players and/or swimmers?   Read More


Low Back Pain: Educating Patients on their Diagnostic Needs

Charles R. Hazle Jr, PT, PhD

August 15, 2013

How do you educate patients when they ask if they need diagnostic testing for low back pain? Do you cite research?   Read More

Shoulder Manipulation: With Anesthesia or Without

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

July 30, 2013

I have seen patients who first had a manipulation without anesthesia performed by the MD's in-office PT. The MD then sent them to us for daily PT. What are your thoughts about this senario?   Read More

Thoracic Spine Manipulation for Adhesive Capsulitis? Yes!

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

July 23, 2013

Can a thoracic spine manipulation assist a patient with a diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis?   Read More

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